CPAP Therapy
CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure is a treatment strategy for patients suffering from sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea. The continuous air pressure produced by the machine is mild enough to just keep the airways open providing aid to those with breathing problems during sleeping. The device aids to also help reduce or eliminate snoring, improve quality and overall duration of sleep, and can even help reduce hypertension.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a therapeutic device to aid individuals with sleeping difficulties due to conditions of sleep apnea, often referred to as obstructive sleep apnea. The pump machine produces a steady stream of mild pressure oxygen flow from the device to the mask that the person wears around their head via a tube.
The device includes headgear, masks, chinstraps, and tubing; comes in disposable or reusable pieces, and various sizes, styles, and colors. The head gear helps keep the mask properly positioned on the face providing a seal. sells CPAP head gear and CPAP masks as a premium line of products for those who rely on CPAP therapy.