Pegboard Tests
Pegboard Testing Devices
Occupational therapists often administer tests to patients that assess their dexterity and eye-hand coordination. Several test standards and corresponding products have been created to be used for evaluating career skills. Pegboard occupational therapy tests and other dexterity tests can help occupational therapists understand the skill level of a patient who is seeking employment. Pegboard tests are also often used by staffing agencies and human resources departments to screen applicants, especially for manufacturing jobs. carries several pegboard dexterity tests that are designed to test specific manual functions. These testing products assess fine motor skills and visual acuity as well as speed and agility. Standardized scoring is available to compare individual pegboard test results with population norms.
Our Purdue Pegboard Test (PPT) is a test of fingertip dexterity and gross movement of the hand, fingers and arm in patients with impairments of the upper extremity resulting from neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. Assessment of pin placement is made for right hand, left hand, both hands, right + left + both hands, and assembly using pins, washers, and collars.