Hand, Wrist, Finger Strength Testing
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Hand, Wrist, Finger Strength Testing Devices
Adequate strength of the muscles that cross and act upon the wrist, hand, and fingers is vital to performing many basic daily activities and functions. While these body parts work together, they are controlled by muscles, many of which originate on the forearm as well as the multiple hand intrinsic muscles. There are various strength/force measurement tools used the strength of these different body parts.
- Wrist Dynamometers: Measure the strength of the muscles crossing and acting upon the wrist joint, which has a vital role to play in grip strength and working with tools that require a gripping force. They are able to measure strength in all planes of motion capable at the wrist
- Handgrip Dynamometers: Specifically designed to measure pure gripping force, this tool is used extensively as an assessment tool not only for grip strength, but also as an indicator of health-related quality of life
Pinch Gauges: Measure the pinch strength of the force being applied by the index finger in opposition to the thumb and the muscles that perform these functions