Top 5 features needed in a Breast Pump

10th Aug 2015

Posted by Sara Zuboff on

Top 5 features needed in a Breast Pump

When I had my first son I knew breastmilk was the best nutritional option for him, but I had to go back to work when my maternity leave was up. I decided to pump my milk which meant I needed to buy a breast pump; however the problem was I knew nothing about them beyond their basic function. I remember going to a local chain store and buying one in mid-price range, because I figured the cheaper options didn’t work as well and the higher priced ones were beyond my budget. Oh, how I wished I hadn’t made a decision based on price rather than on features, because the truth is not all breast pumps function alike and what you pay extra in features pays you back in comfort and efficiency. So, in the interest of helping my fellow mothers out in the search for the perfect breast pump, I have a list of features you’re going to want to look for. 

Viverity Deluxe Double Electric TRUcomfort Breast Pumps
The Double Electric Breast Pump Meets All 5 Requirements

Essential Features for Breast Pumps

  1. Have different speed patterns and level of suction: When breastfeeding, the milk starts with letdown and then the milk is expressed. Being able to switch speeds more closely mimics the act of breastfeeding a baby and maximizes milk production.
  2. Different power options: Pumping is most used for moms on the go, so make sure your pump is both electric powered, battery-operated or even manual for those crazy times when the electricity goes out and your battery dies. (Hey, it happens!)
  3. Make sure it’s portable: This is one’s essential and non-negotiable, if you need to pump outside the home. Make sure to buy one that fits easily into a tote (usually provided) or bag.
  4. An alarm clock: This feature is definitely an extra, but so worth it. I can’t remember the amount of times I would get caught up at work and forget to pump, until my body reminded me with discomfort. With the alarm feature, I don’t have to worry about remembering, my pump does it for me.
  5. Spring for the double pump: Trust me on this; if you need to pump at work, you’re going to want to do so in the most efficient manner. With the double breast pump, you can get the job of pumping done in no time and get back to your day job.

A whopping 90% of working mothers go back to work after maternity leave, either working but with fewer hours or maintaining their full schedule. However, 77% of all mothers breastfeed their babies and most want to continue to offer breast milk to their babies even though they need to go back to work. Having a proper breast pump is an essential tool to help mothers achieve this. And since Breast Pump 101 isn’t a class offered in most colleges, educational programs or even at the hospital where we’ve given birth, I hope this list will help others out there who are faced with the dilemma, which breast pump to choose?

Suggested Breast Pumps from

Viverity TRUcomfort Deluxe Double
Electric Breast Pump
TRÚcomfort Double Electric
Breast Pump

TRÚease Single Electric Breast Pump

Viverity TRUcomfort Deluxe Double Breast Pumps

TRÚcomfort Double Electric Breast Pump

TRÚease Single Electric Breast Pump